Sunday, 1 October 2017

Forex Ladung Iloilo Kontakt Nummer

ACCREDITED MARITIME TRAINING CENTERS IN DEN PHILIPPINEN Geschrieben am 23. Dezember 2015 Als ich die Liste der MARINA akkreditierten Ausbildungseinrichtungen bieten genehmigt maritime Schulungen zu überprüfen, gibt es 119 Einrichtungen und ein Schulungszentrum wird ausgesetzt nach MARINA wie vom 14. September 2015 Liste enthält akkreditierte STCW Kurse, die vom Unternehmen angeboten werden, vollständige Informationen über das Unternehmen und die Person, die für die Entwicklung und Verwaltung. Dies ist die Zusammenfassung von 119 Ausbildungsstätten auf den Philippinen: Region I (Ilocos) 2 Region III (Central Luzon) 2 Region IV (Calabarzon) 6 Region V (Bicol) 2 Region VI (Western Visayas) 20 Region VIII (Eastern Visayas) 2 Region IX (Zamboanga) 1 Region X (Cagayan de Oro) 3 Region XI (Davao) 6 Region XII (SocSarGen) 2 Region XIII (Caraga) 1 Im Folgenden finden Sie das Verzeichnis Ausbildungseinrichtungen (MTI) Mit MARITIME LEHRGÄNGE genehmigt GENEHMIGUNG DES STCW-ÜBEREINKOMMENS von 1978, ABÄNDERUNG VOM 14. SEPTEMBER 2015 Anerkannt von: JONREY M. CALDERON Beauftragter, Akkreditierungsstelle Zugelassen: HERMINIO P. ESTANIEL, JR. MM-Direktor, STCW-Büro NATIONALE KAPITALREGION Kurse: 1. Gefährliche, gefährliche und schädliche Güter 2. Frachtumschlag und Frachtgut 3. Schiffssicherheit Bewusstseinsbildung und Seeleute mit beabsichtigten Sicherheitsdiensten Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 21. Januar 2017 4. Schiffssicherheit Offizieller Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 7. April 2018 5. Konsolidierte MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 29. Juni 2018 CAPT. PEDRO U. BERIA, JR. Präsident 1729 F. Agoncillo St. MMAP Mehrzweck-Bldg. Malate, Manila Tel Nr: 510-1210 E-Mail-Adresse: info64alti116117100101x6dx61x72x69x74x69x6dx65x2ex63x6fx6d Website: altitudemaritime Kurse: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training und Seafarers mit Designated Sicherheitsaufgaben Befristung der Akkreditierung: 22. April 2017 2. Schiffssicherheitsoffizier 3. Crowd Management, Sicherheit von Passagieren und Sicherheitstraining für Personaldienstleister für Passagiere in Passagierräumen Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 27. Oktober 2017 4. Medizinischer Notfall Erste Hilfe 5. Medizinische Versorgung 6. Gefährliche, gefährliche und schädliche Güter 7. Verhinderung von Alkohol und Drogenmissbrauch im Seereglement Der Akkreditierung: 14. Januar 2018 8. Kompetenz in der Krisenmanagement - und Menschenverhaltenschulung einschließlich Passagiersicherheit, Cargo Safety und Hull Integrity Training Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 10. November 2017 CAPT. STEIN NILSEN Schulungsleiter 2F Delgado Gebäude, 637 Bonifacio Drive, Südhafen, Hafengebiet, Manila Tel. Nr. 339-4071-73336-8071-73 Fax Nr. 310-4074 Lehrveranstaltungen: 1. Crowd Management, Personenbeförderungs - und Sicherheitstrainings für Personen, die den Passagieren in Passagierräumen direkte Dienste leisten 2. Kenntnisse im Krisenmanagement und im Training des Menschenverhaltens Passagiersicherheit, Cargo Safety und Hull Integrity Training Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 04. September 2016 3. Konsolidierter MARPOL 7378, Anhang I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 11. Juli 2017 4. Sicherheitsbeauftragter der Schiffsbehörde Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 07. März 2016 5. Security Security Awareness Ausbildung und Seafarers mit Designated Sicherheitsaufgaben Befristung der Akkreditierung: 3. Juli 2016 6. Engine Room Simulator Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 23. Juli 2016 Durchführung von Schulungen für alle ausgesetzt Kurse wie vom Training Center wirksam 1. September 2014 Alvils PRIME VERTICAL MARITIME CORPORATION CAPT berichtet. VICTOR Y. ALVIOLA Chief Executive Officer 1172 EDSA Balintawak, Quezon City Kurse: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training und Seafarers mit Designated Sicherheitsaufgaben Befristung der Akkreditierung: 24. Oktober 2016 Republik der Philippinen Abteilung für Verkehr und Kommunikation Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) STCW Büro 2 2. Crowd Management, Passagiersicherheit und Sicherheitstraining für Personal, das direkte Dienstleistungen für Passagiere in Passagierräumen bereitstellt 3. Kompetenz in Krisenmanagement und menschliches Verhaltenstraining einschließlich Passagiersicherheit, Cargo Safety und Hull Integrity Training Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 15. Mai 2018 ASCENT COMPETENCE UND TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC. ALFONS DEL CASTILLO Präsident High Point Chino Roces, Makati City Tel Nr: 890-1491, 890-1493 Kurse: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training und Seafarers mit Designated Sicherheitsaufgaben Befristung der Akkreditierung: 16. Oktober 2017 EDNA L. RANARA Präsident 4F Civic Prime Building, Civic Drive Filinvest Unternehmenskommunikation, Alabang, Muntinlupa Tel. Nr. 843-3277, 843-3279, 0917-8273635 Kurse: 1. Security-Bewusstseinsbildung für Schiffsleute und Seeleute mit Designated Security Duties Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 10. Juli 2017 CAPT. FERNANDO ALANO Präsident Rms. 201-212, BARKO Bldg. 1014 P. Ocampo Sr. Cor. Arellano Sts, 1009 Manila Telefax: 528-4236, 525-0310 13 Lok. 31 E-Mail-Adresse: barko112114x6fx40x62x61x72x6bx6f.112104 Kurse: 1. Schiffssicherheitsbeauftragte 2. Konsolidierungs MARPOL 7378, die Anhänge I-VI 3. Motorraumsimulator Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 11. Mai 2018 4. Ship Security Awareness Training und Seafarers mit Designated Sicherheitsaufgaben Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 23. Juli 2016 CAPT. RODRIGO J. MARTIN Training Director Suite 601 Ortigas Building, Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City Tel No: 914-0571 72, 914-0771, 914-0722 Fax-Nr 914-0573 Website: brit-Training E-Mail-Adresse: b114x69x74x61n110x69x61x40g108x6fx62x65l105x6ex65x73.99x6fx6dx2ep104 Lehrveranstaltungen: 1. Konsolidierte MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 08. Dezember 2017 2. Sicherheitsbeauftragte der Schiffsabfertigung Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 10. Februar 2017 3. Bewusstseinsbildung im Schiffsverkehr und Seeleute mit beabsichtigten Sicherheitsdiensten Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 05. Juli 2016 BSM MARITIME TRAININGSZENTRUM PHILIPPINEN, INC. CAPT. JOSEPH RALUTA Ausbildungsleiter BSM House 1965, Leon Guinto St. Malate, Manila 1004 Tel. Nr .: 516-5640, Fax-Nr .: 516-5620 E-Mail-Adresse. x70x68x2dx63115c-max6ex2dx6dx6111064bssx68x69x70x6d97nagex6dx65x6ex7446com, jx6fx73e112x68.114x61l117x74a64x62x73sx68x69p109x61n97x67emx65x6etx2ex63o109 Website: teambsm. ph Kurse: 1. Ship Security Officers Befristung der Akkreditierung 14. Dezember 2015 2. Ship Security Awareness Training Seafarers mit Designated Sicherheitsaufgaben Befristung der Akkreditierung: 19. Juli 2016 3. Konzern MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 19 Juli 2016 CENTER FOR KNOWLEDGE UND ADVANCE TRAINING, INC. (CKAT) KENAN LLOYD J. MORALES General Manager Unit 611 Sampl Bldg. 1500 Roxas Blvd. Cor R. Salas St. Ermita, Manila Tel. Nr. 516-1160 E-Mail-Adresse: x69110fx6fx4099kx61x7446px68 Lehrveranstaltungen: 1. Schifffahrtssicherheit Bewusstseinsbildung und Seeleute mit beabsichtigten Sicherheitsdiensten Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 28. Oktober 2017 CAPT. REYNALDO M. TOMAMPO 8211 Geschäftsführer 3F Queen Rose Bldg. 911 San Andres Cor Leon GuintoSts Gästebewertungen. Malate, Manila Tel. Nr .: 353-7503 Fax Nr. 354-6779 Website. competencedevelopmentcenter x69nx66x6f64x63111mx70101tx65nx63x65dx65118ex6c111px6dex6ex74cx65x6etx65114.x63111m Kurse: 1. Schiffssicherheitsbeauftragte 2. Konsolidierungs MARPOL 7378, die Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung 14. März 2016 3. Ship Security Awareness Training und Seafarers mit Designated Sicherheitsaufgaben Befristung der Akkreditierung: 25. November 2016 3 KOMPETENTER MARITIME PROFESSIONALS UND MEERESPFLEGER-TRAININGSZENTRUM, INC. (KOMPASS) DAKILA VILLANUEVA Präsident 1913 Luna Orosa Gebäude Taft Ave. Malate Manila Tel. Nein. 450-0138, 528-1035 Telefax Nr 353-5487, 536-2158 Website: compass. ph E-Mail-Adresse: x64x61x6b115.vix6cx6cx61110uevx61x40x63111mpax73x73x2e112h, x7397lx65x7364cx6fx6dpax73115.x70x68 Kurse: 1. Medizinische Erste Hilfe im Notfall 2. Medical Care Ablauf der Akkreditierung 16. März 2016 4. Radar-Navigation, Radar-Plotten und Einsatz von ARPA 5. Radarsimulator 6. Betriebliche Nutzung von ECDIS 7. Bewertungen, die Teil einer Ingenieurwache sind 8. Engine Room Simulator 9. Gefährliche, gefährliche und schädliche Ladungen 10. Fracht Handhabung und Pflege von Fracht 11. Vorbeugung von Alkohol und Drogenmissbrauch im Seeschifffahrtssektor 12. Schiffsbeauftragte 13. Nominierungen, die Teil einer Navigationsüberwachung sind Ablauf der Akkreditierung 25. Mai 2016 14. Schiffs-Simulator und Brücken-Teamarbeit 15. Crowd Management, Passenger Sicherheit und Sicherheitstraining für das Personal, das den Passagieren in Passagierräumen direkte Diensten bietet 16. Kompetenz in der Krisenbewältigung und im Verhalten des Personals, einschließlich Passagiersicherheit, Ladungssicherung und Hull Integrity Training Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 21. November 2016 17. Konsolidiert 7378, Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 30. Juni 2017 18. Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Deck Officers 19. Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Engineer Offiziere Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 07. April 2017 20. Ship Security Awareness Training und Seeleute mit Designated Security Duties Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 26. Juni 2016 21. Radar-, ARPA-, Brücken-Teamarbeit und Such - und Rettungsbeginn der Akkreditierung: 07. Januar 2018 22. Grundausbildung für Öl - und Chemie-Tanker-Frachtbetrieb 23. Grundausbildung für Flüssiggas-Tanker-Frachtbetrieb 24. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung für Öltanker-Frachtbetrieb 25 Weiterbildung für Chemie-Tanker Cargo Operations 26. Weiterbildung für Flüssiggas Tanker Cargo Operations Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 15. September 2017 SANTIAGO MELEGRITO, JR. AVP Corporate Development 4F S amp L-Gebäude, 1500 Roxas Boulevard, Ermita Manila Praktische Site: Bunga und Capipisa, Tanza Tel Nos 525-9189 524-0572, 525-9190 Fax-Nr 523-0381 400-0744 E-Mail. Adresse. bx64d101x616499x74sx69x2ecx6fm46x70h106x6fjx6fx2emx65x6cex67r105x74octsi. ph Kurse: 1. Grundausbildung 2. Proficiency in Überlebensfahrzeuge und Rettungsboote 3. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats 4. Medizinische Erste Hilfe im Notfall 5. Advanced Training in Brandbekämpfung Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 1. Juli 2017 6. Operative Nutzung von ECDIS Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 15. Januar 2016 7. Schifffahrtssicherheit Bewusstseinsbildung und Seeleute mit beabsichtigten Sicherheitsdiensten Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 11. Juli 2016 8. Grundausbildung für Öl - und Chemie-Tanker-Frachtbetrieb 9. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung für Öltanker-Frachtbetrieb 10. Fortgeschritten Training für Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 11. Medical Care Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 25. September 2017 12. Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Deck Officer Verfall der Akkreditierung: 30 Mai 2017 Kurse: 1. Ship Security Bewusstsein Ausbildung und Seeleute mit Designated Security Duties Ablauf der Akkreditierung : 17. November 2017 2. Konsolidierte MARPOL 7378. Anhänge I-VI 3. Gefährliche, gefährliche und schädliche Ladungen 4. Vorbeugung von Alkohol und Drogenmissbrauch im Seeschifffahrtsbereich (PADAMS) 5. Medizinischer Notfall Erste Hilfe 6. Medizinische Absicherung der Akkreditierung : 22 Juli 2018 CE EDGARDO M. LARGO 8211 Ausbildungsleiter 3F EastgateCenter, 169 EDSA, Mandaluyong City Tel. Nr. 533-6101 bis 11 loc. 305 Ampere 306 4 Fax-Nr 532-5685 Webseite: emtci E-Mail-Adresse: x65mtx6310564x6597sx74x67ax74x65grx6f117px2e99ox6dx2epx68 Kurse: 1. Management-Ebene Kurs forMarine Deck Officers Befristung der Akkreditierung: 29. April 2017 2. Operative Verwendung von ECDIS Befristung der Akkreditierung: 25. Mai 2018 3. Konzern 7378 MARPOL, Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 8. Oktober 2015 4. Ship Security Awareness Training und Seafarers mit Designated Sicherheitsaufgaben Befristung der Akkreditierung: 8. Oktober 2015 EUROPÄISCHE BILDUNG uND KOMPETENZZENTRUM, INC RAINER STARKE Vice President 6F 8211 7F DoehleHaus Manila. , 30-38 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Barangay San Isidro, 1234 Makati City Tel Nos 318-1700-1702 Fax-Nr 318-1730 Website:. etcc. ph E-Mail-Adresse: in102x6fx40etc99x2ex70h rgul10997x74x69x63x6fx40etcc46112x68 Kurse: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training und Seeleute mit festgelegten Sicherheitszielen Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 21 November 2016 EXZELLENZ UND KOMPETENZZENTRUM, INC. (EXAKT) 8211 MANILA CE FERDINAND MARCOS, Ph. D. Präsident CE SOLIMAN DILAG Ausbildungsleiterin Hauptsächlich: EXACT Gebäude, Galicien St. cor. Espaa, Sampaloc, Manila Amsir Gebäude, P. Paredes St. Ecke S. H. Loyola Street, Sampaloc, Manila, Praktische Site: BgyCamba, Arayat, Pampanga und San Diego Beach Resort, Lian, Batangas Tel Nos 732-4452, 733-8897, 733-2119, 736-3364, 516-3574, 516-3575. , 516-3576, 516-5464, 559-6355, 516-3565 Fax-Nr 733-5771, 559-6355 E-Mail-Adresse: e120x61x63t64x70x6cdt100x73x6c.110x65 Kurse: 1. Motorraumsimulator Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 26. August 2016 2. Medizinische Notfall Erste Hilfe 3. Medizinische Versorgung Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 05 September 2016 4. Schiff Simulator und Brücke Teamwork Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 11 Oktober2016 5. Operative Verwendung von ECDIS 6. Konsolidierte MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI Verfall der Akkreditierung: 22. April 2017 7. Management-Ebene Kurs forMarine Deck Officers 8. Management-Ebene Kurs forMarine Ingenieur Leiter Befristung der Akkreditierung: 21. April 2017 9. GOC für GMDSS 10. Ship Security Officers Befristung der Akkreditierung: 19. Oktober 2018 11. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotten und Verwendung Von ARPA 12. Radar-Simulator 13. Radar-, ARPA-, Brücken-Teamarbeit und Suche und Rettung Verfall der Akkreditierung: 28. Mai 2016 14. Grundausbildung 15. Kompetenz in Überlebensfahrzeugen und Rettungsbooten 16. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung in der Brandbekämpfung 17. Proficiency in Fast Rettungsboote 18. Gefährliche, gefährliche und gesundheitsschädliche Ladungen 19. Bewertungen, die Teil einer Ingenieurwache sind 20. Bewertungen, die Teil einer Navigationsuhr sind Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 18. Dezember 2016 21. Grundausbildung für Öl - und Chemie-Tanker Frachtbetrieb 22. Grundausbildung Für Liquified Gas Tanker Cargo Operations 23. Fortbildungen für Tanker Cargo Operations 24. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung für Tanker Cargo Operations 25. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung für Flüssiggas Tanker Cargo Operations Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 09 September 2017 26. Ship Security Awareness Training und Seeleute mit Designated Security Duties Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 29. Juni 2016 Lehrveranstaltungen: 1. Schiffs-Simulator und Brücken-Teamwork 2. Frachtabfertigung und Betreuung von Gütern Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 26. Dezember 2015 3. Schiffsbeauftragte 4. Security-Bewusstseinsbildung im Schiff und Seeleute mit ausgewiesener Sicherheit Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 11. Februar 2017 5 CAPT. CONSTANCIO A. SALASAB Vorsitzender. Gutenberg 906, 9F Victoria Bldg, 1503 U. N. Ave. Ermita, Manila Praktische Site: Naic, Cavite Tel Nos 526-2477 bis 79 523-9471 526-8069 Fax-Nr 310-7569 E-Mail-Adresse:. 97x64109x69110x40102x61114x6597x73116x6d97x72105x74105x6d101x2e99x6f109 Kurse: 1. Advanced Training in der Brandbekämpfung 2. Proficiency im Survival Craft Und Rettungsboote 3. Profitieren von Schnellrettungsbooten 4. Crowd Management, Passagiersicherheit und Sicherheitstraining für Personal, das den Passagieren in Passagierräumen direkte Dienstleistungen bietet 5. Kompetenz in der Krisenbewältigung und im Training von Menschen, einschließlich Passagiersicherheit, Ladungssicherung und Hull Integrity Training Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 15. Oktober 2015 6. Radarsimulator 7. Einsatz von ECDIS 8. Radar-Navigation, Radar-Plotten und Einsatz von ARPA 9. Frachtumschlag und - pflege 10. Gefährliche, gefährliche und schädliche Ladungen 11. Verhinderung von Alkohol und Drogenmissbrauch im maritimen Sektor 12. Medizinische Versorgung 13. Bewertungen, die Teil einer Navigationsuhr sind 14. Bewertungen, die Teil einer Technik-Uhr sind 15. Medizinischer Notfall Erste Hilfe 16. Engine-Raum-Simulator 17. Schiff-Simulator und Brücke Teamwork Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 05. Juli 2018 18. Grundlegende Ausbildung Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 25. Mai 2016 19. Schiffsbeauftragte Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 05. April 2016 20. Konsolidierte MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 05. August 2017 21. GOC für GMDSS Ablauf von Akkreditierung: 18. April 2016 22. Schifffahrtssicherheit Bewusstseinsbildung und Seeleute mit beabsichtigten Sicherheitsdiensten Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 9. Juli 2016 23. Grundausbildung für Öl - und Chemie-Tanker-Frachtbetrieb 24. Grundausbildung für Flüssiggas-Tanker-Frachtbetrieb 25. Fortbildung für Öltanker Cargo Operations 26. Fortbildungsmaßnahmen für Flüssiggas Tanker Cargo Operations Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 22. September 2017 28. Radar, ARPA, Brücken Teamarbeit und Suche und Rettung Verfall der Akkreditierung: 27 November 2017 29 Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Deck Officers 30. Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Engineer Offiziere Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 21. Mai 2017 CAPT. ERNESTO MADRID Schulungsleiter 5F Hersteller Building, Inc. (MBI), Ronquillo St. PlazaSta. Cruz, Manila Praktische Seite. Tanza Telefax: 528-1997, 522-3336 E-Mail-Adresse: x69x6ex66x6fx40x67x74x73x2dx70x6810510811546com Kurse: 1. Medizinischer Notfall Erste Hilfe Befristung der Akkreditierung: 7. November 2017 2. Grundausbildung Befristung der Akkreditierung: 18. Januar 2017 3. Crowd Management, Passagier Sicherheit und Sicherheitstraining für das Personal, das den Passagieren in Passagierräumen direkte Dienste bietet 4. Kompetenz in der Krisenbewältigung und im Verhalten des Personals, einschließlich Passagiersicherheit, Ladungssicherung und Schiffsrumpf Integritätsausbildung Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 16. April 2018 5. Schifffahrtssicherheit Bewusstseinsbildung und Seeleute mit Ausgewiesene Sicherheitsaufgaben Befristung der Akkreditierung: 18. November 2016 6. Grundausbildung für Öl - und Chemikalientanker wird Frachtbetrieb Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 24. September 2017 7. Ship Security Officers 8. Konzern MARPOL 7378, die Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 4. Januar 2016 GLOBE MARITIME TRAININGSZENTRUM 8211 MANILA INC. CE GILBERT B. MILANA Vorsitzender 3F BPI Roman Santos Bldg. Plaza Lacson, Sta. Cruz, Manila Praktische Site: WawangPulo, Valenzuela Stadt Tel No: 386-7114 734-0160 516-3634 Fax: 734-0160 E-Mail-Adresse: globemaritim1016412197104x6fx6fx2ex63x6fx6d Kurse: 1. Konsolidierungs 7378. Anhänge I-VI 2. Medizinischer Notfall Erste-Hilfe-3 4. Sicherheitshinweise für den Schiffsverkehr 4. Bewertung eines Teils eines Ingenieurwesens Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 03 Oktober 2015 6 5. Engine Room Simulator Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 28. Dezember 2015 6. Management Level Kurs für Marine Engineer Offiziere Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 21 April 2017 7 26. Juli 2016 8. Grundlegende Ausbildung Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 21. April 2017 9. Grundausbildung für Flüssiggas Tanker Frachtbetrieb Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 28. November 2017 10. Grundausbildung Für Öl - und Chemie-Tanker Cargo Operations 11. Crowd Management, Passagiersicherheit und Sicherheitstraining für Personal, das den Passagieren in Passagierräumen direkte Dienstleistungen bietet 12. Kompetenz in der Krisenbewältigung und im Training von Menschen, einschließlich Passagiersicherheit, Ladungssicherheit und Hull Integrity Training Ablauf der Akkreditierung : 17. Oktober 2017 13. Proficiency Überlebensfahrzeuge und Rettungsboote 14. Advanced Training in der Brandbekämpfung 15. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Befristung der Akkreditierung: 2. Mai 2017 GREAT SEAS MARINERS TRAINING uND BEWERTUNG CENTER, INC CE PROCIS C. Aquino Präsident. San Jose Gebäude, Paquita St. Ecke Espaa Blvd. Manila Stadt Tel Nein: (02) 495 1768 516 5219 loc. 101, 103 Mobil Nr: 09178275032 09178425355 09178847273 E-Mail-Adresse: miked64103114x65x61x74x73x65x61x73mariner11546x63x6fx6dx2ex70x68, x69nx66x6f64x67114ex61116sx65ax73x6dax72105nx65114sx2ecx6fx6d. x70x68 Kurse: 1. Motorraumsimulator Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 6. Juli 2017 2. Konzern MARPOL 7378, die Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 20. Juli 2017 3. Schiffs-Sicherheitsbeauftragte Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 17. August 2017 4. Ratings, die Teil einer Engineering-Beobachtung bilden 5. Ratings, die Teil eines Navigational Watch-Ablaufs der Akkreditierung sind: 24. August 2018 6. Medizinische Notfall Erste-Hilfe-Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 25. Oktober 2017 7. Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Engineer Officers Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 01. April 2017 8. Fortbildungen für Tanker-Frachtoperationen 9. Fortgeschrittene Schulungen für Tanker-Frachtoperationen 10. Fortgeschrittene Schulungen für Flüssiggas Tanker Cargo Operations Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 12. November 2017 11. Medizinische Versorgung 12. Schifffahrtssicherheit Bewusstseinsbildung und Seeleute mit beabsichtigten Sicherheitsdiensten Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 21 Juni 2016 HANSEATIC SHIPPING PHILIPPINES, INC. 8211 HANSEATIC TRAINING INSTITUTE CAPT. ARNULFO CORDERO Schulungsleiter 1853 Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila Tel. Nos 521-5727 523-8169-70 Fax-Nr 524-6254 E-Mail-Adresse:. X68x61110115eax74x69x6364bayx61x6ex64115l. x63x6fx6d Kurse: 1. Motorraumsimulator Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 14. April 2016 2. Ship Simulator und Brücke Teamwork Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 03 Dezember 2017 GIOVANNI A. TUAPIN - Präsident CAPT. ROBERT S. DE JOSE Schulungsleiter 2F CRIBuilding, 665 Präsident Quirino Avenue, Malate, Manila Tel. Nein. 522-3477 521-8365, 521-9306 Fax-Nr 521-2825 E-Mail-Adresse: mmedina64i11511011699x2ex6fx72x67 Kurse: 1. Ship Security Officers Befristung der Akkreditierung: 18. Dezember 2015 2. Konzern MARPOL 7378, die Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 17. Juni 2017 3. Schifffahrtssicherheit Bewusstseinsbildung und Seeleute mit beabsichtigten Sicherheitsdiensten Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 29. Juli 2016 CE MALVAR CASTELLON General Manager 6. und 7. Stock Rufino Plaza Gebäude, Ayala Avenue, cor. Rufino St. Legaspi Village Makati City Tel-Nr 976-3330 976-9081 Fax No.:751-4494, 751-2770 E-Mail-Adresse: mx74x6364107x67jsx2ex6eo, 101x66rx65n46x6d. x64o99x74ox7264x6bx67jx73.x6eo Kurse: 7 1. Ship Security Awareness Training Seafarers Mit Designated Security Duties Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 24. Juli 2016 CAPT. EDGARDO BARATANG Präsident K-Linie Gebäude, Coral Way Drive, Central Business Park I Bay Stadt, Pasay Stadt Tel. Nos 556-2917-20 Fax-Nr 556-4043 556-4045 Website:. Klma. ph E-Mail-Adresse: 105nx66ox40kx6cmx6146x63111mx2epx68 Kurse: 1. GOC für GMDSS Befristung der Akkreditierung: 28August 2018 2. Motorraumsimulator 3. Ship Simulator und Brücke Teamwork 4. Operative Verwendung von ECDIS Befristung der Akkreditierung: 19. November 2017 5. Ship Security Officers Befristung der Akkreditierung: 3. April 2016 6. Ship Security Awareness Training und Seafarers mit Designated Sicherheitsaufgaben Befristung der Akkreditierung: 1. Juli 2016 7. Konzern MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 05. April 2016 8. Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Engineer Officers Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 14. November 2017 9. Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Deck Officers Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 30. Juni 2017 CE ROMEO S. PICCIO VizepräsidentHead 6F Times Plaza, Taft Avenue Ecke UN Avenue, Manila Praktische Seite: Tanza, Cavite Tel. Nr. 526-1588 524-9996 loc. 617 Fax-Nr 526-1583 E-Mail-Adresse: r115x70x69cc105x6fx40ma103x73x61ysx61x79x2ec111x6dx2eph, 114x6dmx61cx61sx70a99x40109x61gx73ax79s97x7946x63ox6d. x70h Kurse: 1. Radar Simulator 2. Ship Simulator und Brücke Teamwork Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 18. Dezember 2015 3. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotten und Verwendung von ARPA Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 01. Juni 2016 4. Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Deck Officers 5. Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Engineer Offiziere Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 01. April 2017 6. Betriebliche Nutzung von ECDIS 7. Engine Room Simulator Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 10. Januar 2017 8. Grundausbildung Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 03. November 2017 9. Weiterbildung im Brandschutz Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 07. Dezember 2017 10. Medizinischer Notfall Erste Hilfe Auslaufen der Akkreditierung: 22. Dezember 2017 2. Grundausbildung für Öl - und Chemie-Tanker Frachtbetrieb 3. Basic Schulung für Flüssiggas Tanker Cargo Operations 4. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung für Öltanker Cargo Operations 5. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung für Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 6. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung für Flüssiggas Tanker Cargo Operations Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 29Oktober 2017 7. Crowd Management, Passagier Sicherheit und Sicherheit Schulung für Personal, das den Passagieren in Passagierräumen direkte Dienste gewährt Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 14. April 2017 8. Schiffsbeauftragte Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 18. Dezember 2015 9. Konsolidierte MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 08. November 2015 10. Schiff Sicherheitsbewusstsein Ausbildung von Seeleuten mit festgelegten Sicherheitszielen Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 26. Juni 2016 11. GOC für GMDSS Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 15. Juli 2018 GLENDALYN DEMARIA 8211 Präsident 14F GE Antonino Bldg. T. M. Kalaw Ecke J. Bocobo St. Ermita, Manila Tel-Nr 523-3424 und 354-5318 Webseite: marianamaritime E-Mail-Adresse: ix72x69sx2ex69sx69x64rx6fx40mx61x72ix61x6eax6dx61rx69x74ix6dx65.x70x68 Kurse: 1. Ship Security Officers 2. Ship Simulator und Brücke Teamwork 3. Konsolidierungs MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 08. August 2016 4. Operationaler Einsatz von ECDIS 5. Radarsimulator 6. Radar-Navigation, Radar-Plotten und Einsatz von ARPA 7. Radar-, ARPA-, Brücken-Teamarbeit und Suche und Rettung der Akkreditierung: 26. Juni 2016 8. Ship Security Awareness Training Seafarers mit Designated Sicherheitsaufgaben Befristung der Akkreditierung: 29. Juli 2016 8 10. Managementebene Kurs für Marine Deck Officers Befristung der Akkreditierung: 23. Juni 2017 MARINERS POLYTECHNIC TRAINING CENTER 8211 MANILA MERLE JIMENEZ-SAN PEDRO Präsident CAPT. NEFTALIEN. VITUG Schulungsleiter 5F EMI-Gebäude 1181 Leveriza St. cor Pres. Quirino Ave, Malate, Manila Praktische Site: Noveleta Tel-Nr 353-5683, Telefax-Nr 303-1573 E-Mail-Adresse: mx70x74c49x39851x40x6dax72x69n101x72s116x72x61ix6ex69n103x2ec111x6dx2epx68 Kurse: 1. Crowd Management, Personenschutz und Sicherheitstraining für Personal, das Dienstleistungen für die Fluggäste In Passagierräumen 2. Kompetenz in der Krisenbewältigung und im Training des Menschenverhaltens inkl. Fahrgastsicherheit, Cargo Safety und Hull Integrity Training 3. Grundausbildung 4. Medizinischer Notfall Erste Hilfe 5. Vorbeugung von Alkohol und Drogenmissbrauch im Seeverkehr (PADAMS) Ablauf von Akkreditierung: 07. Juli 2017 6. Überlebenskunst und Rettungsboote 7. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung in der Brandbekämpfung 8. Konsolidierte MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI Beendigung der Akkreditierung: 21. Dezember 2017 9. Bewusstseinsbildung im Schiffsverkehr und Seeleute mit festgelegten Sicherheitsaufgaben Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 25. November 2016 MARITECH MARITIME TRAINING STUDIES UND MANNING SERVICES, INC. 8211 MANILA CAPT. EDWIN ITABLE Verwaltungsstelle 4F Handelsgebäude, Taft Avenue Ecke Pedro Gil Straße, Malate, Manila Tel. Nein. 523-3021 Fax-Nr 523-2117 E-Mail-Adresse: smx6dx66x732048x36x40ya104x6fx6f. c111x6d Webiste: maritechtraining Kurse: 1. Management-Ebene Kurs forMarine Deck Officers Befristung der Akkreditierung: 1. April 2017 2. Operative Verwendung von ECDIS 3. Ship Simulator und Brücken-Teamarbeit 4. Medizinische Versorgung 5. Medizinische Notfall Erste Hilfe 6. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotten und Einsatz von ARPA 7. Schiffsbeauftragte Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 06. Juli 2016 8. Konsolidierte MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI 9. Engine Room Simulator Befristung der Akkreditierung: 13. Juli 2017 10. Managementebene Kurs forMarine Ingenieur Leiter Befristung der Akkreditierung: 21. April 2017 11. Ship Security Awareness Training Seafarers mit Expiration Sicherheitsaufgaben Designated der Akkreditierung. 21. Juni 2016 MARITIME technologischen und damit verbundenen Dienstleistungen, INC (Maritas ) CELSO M. DE GUZMAN Präsident Rm 415 BPI Gebäude, Plaza Lacson, Sta. Cruz, Manila Nein. 734-4781, 734-4785 Fax-Nr 734-4781 Website: maritasmanila E-Mail-Adresse: maritas64i-manila. co10946112104 Kurse: 1. Fracht Handhabung und Pflege von Fracht Befristung der Akkreditierung: 24. April 2016 2. GOC für GMDSS 3. Konsolidierte MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI 4. Medizinischer Notfall Erste Hilfe 5. Vorbeugung von Alkohol und Drogenmissbrauch im Seeschifffahrtssektor (PADAMS) 6. Medizinische Versorgung Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 30. Juni 2017 7. Schiffsbeauftragte Ablauf der Akkreditierung : 14. Oktober 2016 8. Schifffahrtsbewusstseinsbildung und Seeleute mit beabsichtigten Sicherheitsdiensten Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 29. Juli 2016 9. Bewertungen, die Teil einer Navigationsuhr sind 10. Bewertungen, die Teil eines Engineering-Watch-Ablaufs der Akkreditierung sind: 04. Juli 2017 11. Grundausbildung für Öl - und Chemie-Tanker Cargo Operations 12. Grundausbildung für Flüssiggas Tanker Cargo Operations Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 09. September 2017 MERIDIAN INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAINING CENTER, IND. MARLENE DADO JANTE Präsident 8F TM Kalaw Center Gebäude, T. M. Kalaw Street, Ermita, Manila Tel. . Nos 567-1785 567-1588 Telefax Nr 567-1718 Website: meridianmaritimetraining E-Mail-Adresse: x6dx65x72x69x64x69x61x6ex2ex74x72x61x69x6ex69x6ex67x40x79x61x68x6f1114699111109, me114x69x64x69x61nt11497x69x6ex69ng64112x6cx64x74dsl46x6ex65x74 Kurse: 1. Gefährliche, gefährlichen und schädlichen Cargoes Befristung der Akkreditierung: 6. November 2017 2. Medizinischer Notfall Erste-Hilfe-3. Medizinische Versorgung Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 15. Juli 2016 9 4. Schiffsbeauftragte Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 10. Dezember 2016 5. Schiffsimulator und Brücken Teamwork Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 28. April 2017 6. Konsolidierter MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 26. August 2017 7. Crowd Management, Personenbeförderungssicherheit und Sicherheitstraining für das Personal, das den Passagieren in Passagierräumen direkte Dienste bietet 8. Kompetenz in der Krisenbewältigung und im Verhalten des Personals, einschließlich Passagiersicherheit, Ladungssicherheit und Hull Integrity Training Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 9. Juni 2018 9. Bewertungen, die Bestandteil einer Navigationsuhr sind 10. Bewertungen, die Teil einer Ingenieurwache unter der provisorischen Behörde sind Ausgabedatum: 26. Januar 2015 bis auf Widerruf 11. Schiffssicherheit Bewusstseinsbildung und Seeleute mit beabsichtigten Sicherheitsdiensten Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 25. Juli 2016 12. Grundausbildung für Öl - und Chemie-Tanker Cargo Operations 13. Grundausbildung für Flüssiggas Tanker Cargo Operations 14. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung für Chemische Tanker Cargo Operations 15. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung für Flüssiggas Tanker Cargo Operations 16. Fortgeschrittene Ausbildung für Öltanker Cargo Operations Ablauf der Akkreditierung : 09. Oktober 2017 17. Management-Level-Kurs für Marine Deck Officers Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 22 April 2017 NAUTICAL OPTIONS TRAINING INSTITUTE DER PHILIPPINEN, INC. Kurse: 1. Schiffsbeauftragte 2. Medizinische Versorgung 3. Medizinische Notfall Erste Hilfe 4. Gefährlich , Gefährliche und schädliche Ladungen 5. Konsolidierte MARPOL 7378, Anhänge I-VI 6. Verhütung von Alkohol und Drogenmissbrauch im Seeverkehr (PADAMS) Ablauf der Akkreditierung: 13. Juni 2017 7. Bewusstseinsbildung im Schiffsverkehr und Seeleute mit ausgezeichnetem Sicherheitsablauf of Accreditation: 17 July 2016 8. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 9. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 11 November 2017 10. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 11. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 12. Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 21 November 2017 13. Advance Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 15 July 2018 NAUTILUS PACIFIC MARITIME TRAINING CENTER, INC. ALEJANDRO L. PALANCA President 2 nd floor Metrobank Ermita Branch Bldg. 1149 A. Mabini St. Cor. A Flores St. Ermita Manila Tel. Nos.:354-2284 354-2293 Fax No.:405-0160 Website: nautiluspacific E-mail Address:info6411097x75x74x69x6cx75x73x70acifi994699x6fx6d Courses: 1. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork Expiration of Accreditation: 06 January 2016 2. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI 3. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 4. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 5. Operational Use of ECDIS 6. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 7. Radar Simulator 8. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 9. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 26 September 2016 NAUTICAL TRAINING INTERNATIONAL AND COMPETENCY ACADEMY (NAUTICA), INC. Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 26 September 2017 2. Ship Security Officer 3. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 15 December 2017 4. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 10 5. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) Expiration of Accreditation: 17 August 2018 NAVIGATOR INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT CENTER INC.(Formerly GPN) Courses: 1. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 11 May 2018 2. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 3. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties 4. Medical Emergency First Aid Expiration of Accreditation: 05 May 2018 5. Ship Security Officer 6. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 7. Operational Use of ECDIS 8. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 9. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) Expiration of Accreditation: 07 January 2018 NEW SIMULATOR CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES 8211 MANILA CAPT. REYNOLD SABAY Chief Executive Officer 5 th floor 2053 Bldg. Edison Street Brgy. Isidro, Makati City Practical Site: Sariaya, Quezon Tel. Nos. 888-2764 888-2794 loc. 111 Fax No. 887-2759 E-mail Address: x69nx66ox40nx65119sx69mx75lx61116x6f114.x70h, x69x6e102o64x6ex65x77simx2ex70104 Courses: 1. Engine Room Simulator 2. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork Expiration of Accreditation: 27 March 2016 3. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 4. Radar Simulator 5. Ship Security Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 21 February 2017 6. Medical Emergency First Aid 7. Medical Care Expiration of Accreditation: 08 July 2017 8. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 9. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 02 May 2017 10. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 07 December 2017 11. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 03 January 2018 12. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 13. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 14. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats 15. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 13 June 2018 16. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 17. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 12 August 2018 18. Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue Expiration of Accreditation: 18 November 2017 19. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 02 August 2016 20. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 21. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations 22. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 23. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 24. Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 09 September 2017 CAPT. VICTOR S. AUSTRIA President 3F Shipping Centre Building 707 A. Soriano Jr. Avenue Intramuros, Manila Practical Site: Lipa, Batangas Tel. Nos: 536-5737, Fax No. 527-7012 Email Address: x6ex70x75116cc. x74x72x61105ninx67x40x7997hoox2ex63x6f109 Courses: 1. Basic Training 2. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 19 October 2015 3. Ship Security Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 24 September 2016 4. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 06 August 2016 5. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 6. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 17 December 2017 NOBLE MARITIME AND OFFSHORE TRAINING CENTER SERVICES, CORP. CE MICHAEL ALLAN Q. DOCTOR President CEO 11 Unit 604, Dy International Bldg. 1011 Gen. Malvar cor. San Marcelino St. Malate, Manila Practical site: Binukawan, Bagac, Bataan Tel Nos: 525-0665 Email Address: noblemaritimetraining Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 21 November 2017 2. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 3. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations 4. Advance Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 5. Advance Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operation Expiration of Accreditation: 10 February 2018 6. Ship Security Officers 7. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 10 July 2018 CAPT. GAMALIEL C. LINO President CEO 11F GE Antonino Building, T. M. Kalaw corner J. Bocobo, Ermita, Manila Practical site: Gen. Evangelista St. Bacoor, Cavite Tel Nos: 714-7593 Email Address: ar101x79x65x7364n111x72x74x68st97x72x74x72ain105x6ex67x2eco109x2ex70x68 Courses: 1. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 31 October 2016 2. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 25 September 2016 Conduct of training for BASIC TRAINING coursev suspended as reported by the Training Center effective January 2015 Courses: 1. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork Expiration of Accreditation:03 December 2015 2. GOC for GMDSS Expiration of Accreditation: 27 April 2018 3. Ship Security Officer 4. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 15 July 2016 5. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 15 December 2016 Courses: 1. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services To Passengers in Passenger Spaces 2. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Expiration of Accreditation: 13 June 2017 3. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 09 September 2016 CAPT. HERMAN M. MENDEZ - President 2F Parkview Plaza Bldg. Taft Avenue cor T. M. Kalaw St. Ermita, Manila Telefax. No. 516-5008 Tel No. 516-1929 E-mail Address: x70mx66105x6dx61nx69108x61x40yx61104x6fx6f. x63111x6d Courses: 1. Cargo Handling and Care of Cargo Expiration of Accreditation: 16 October 2015 2. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 15 May 2018 3. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 4. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Expiration of Accreditation: 28 June 2016 5. Medical Care 6. Medical Emergency First Aid Expiration of Accreditation: 29 June 2018 7. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 8. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 03 February 2016 9. Engine Room Simulator Expiration of Accreditation: 30 July 2016 10. Ship Security Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 29 December 2015 12 11. Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties and Expiration of Accreditation: 15 July 2016 12. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 13. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) 14. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 21 July 2017 PNTC COLLEGES 8211 MARITIME TRAINING CENTER ATTY. HERNANI FABIA President 5FIntramuros Corporate Plaza, Recoletos Street, Intramuros, Manila Practical Site: Dasmarias, Cavite Tel. No. 526-2209 526-2207 526-4374 Fax No. 526-2146, 526-0144 Website: pntc. ph pnti. edu. ph E-mail Address: pntc64112x6ex74x63x2ex63x6fm. ph Courses: 1. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services To Passengers in Passenger Spaces 2. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Expiration of Accreditation: 18 November 2015 3. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 26 January 2016 4. Consolidated 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation 11 August 2017 5. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation 11 December 2017 6. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes Expiration of Accreditation 16 October 2017 7. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) 8. Basic Training 9. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 10. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations 11. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 12. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 13. Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation:09 October 2017 13. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 14. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 05 April 2016 15. Radar Simulator 16. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA Expiration of Accreditation: 01 July 2016 17. Ship Security Officer Course Expiration of Accreditation 01 July 2016 18. Medical Emergency First Aid 19. Medical Care 20. Ratings Forming Part an Engineering Watch 21. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch Expiration of Accreditation 05 December 2017 22. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 11 July 2016 23. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 24. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 07 October 2017 Courses: 1. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 2. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 09 August 2016 3. Ship Security Officer Expiration of Accreditation: 27 October 2017 4. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 30 October 2016 PHILSIN COLLEGE FOUNDATION, INC. PHILSIN TRAINING CENTER Courses: 1. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 31 July 2018 PHILIPPINE CENTER FOR ADVANCED MARITIME SIMULATION AND TRAINING, INC. (PHILCAMSAT) CE ALFREDO G. HABOC Training Director 2F First Maritime Place, 7458 Bagtikan Street San Antonio Village, 1203 Makati City Practical Site: Maragondon, Cavite Tel No. 798-1111 loc. 3005, 898-1174 loc 3007 E-mail Address: x61x68x6198oc64x70x68x69x6c99amsx61x74x2e99111m. px68 Website: philcamsat. ph Courses: 1. Medical Emergency First Aid 2. Medical Care Expiration of Accreditation: 26 January 2018 3. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 16 July 2016 4. Engine Room Simulator 5. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork Expiration of Accreditation: 04 August 2017 6. GOC for GMDSS Expiration of Accreditation: 13 August 2017 7. Ship Security Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 25 April 2016 8. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 09 July 2016 9. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 25 March 2017 10. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 11 July 2017 11. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 07 October 2017 12. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 06 August 2017 13. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 14. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations 15. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 16. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 17. Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 24 November 2017 18. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 19. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 01 July 2017 PHILIPPINE MERCHANT MARINE ACADEMY TRAINING CENTER (PMMA) MANILA RADM. RICHARD RITUAL - President 4f Marsman BLDG. PPA South Harbor, Port Area, Manila Practical Site: San Narciso, Zambales Tel No. 523-0451 Telefax: (047) 913-3509 913-4398 E-mail Address: 112m109a46tx72ax69nx69nx6764x70mx6dax2eex64ux2epx68 Courses: 1. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 09 August 2016 2. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 02 December 2017 3. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 23 June 2017 4. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 5. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 18 February 2018 ELISA ABUID-CAYAB President 938Arlegui Street corner Aguila Street, Quiapo, Manila Practical Site: Real, Calamba and Brgy. Tadlac, Los Baos, Laguna Tel. No. 734-889798, 734-1651 Fax No. 734-8898 E-mail address: 112sx74cx5f2x35ax6enx69vx40yx61hx6fox2e99x6f109 Courses: 1. Medical Care 2. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 3. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 28 November 2016 4. Basic Training 5. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 6. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) 7. Medical Emergency First Aid 8. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI 9. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 02 March 2018 10. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch Under Provisional Authority Issued Date: 02 March 2015 until revoked 11. Ship Security Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 11 April 2016 12. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 13. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training Expiration of Accreditation: 28 November 2016 14. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 12 April 2017 15. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 17 October 2016 16. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 07 January 2018 14 CAPT. GAUDENCIO MORALES President CAPT. LEONARDO DELOS REYES Training Manager 5F Jemarsons Bldg. P. Hidalgo Lim St. Malate, Manila Telephone No. 310-71-57, 310-71-62 Telefax No. 516-62-25 E-mail Address: x6dx74x63x40112os-fx69x6cx2ex63111m Courses: 1. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 2. Ship Security Officer Course 3. Operational Use of ECDIS 4. Cargo Handling and Care of Cargo 5. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 6. Radar Simulator 7. Engine Room Simulator 8. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 17 November 2017 9. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 28 July 2017 10. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 01 April 2017 PROPELLERS FOUNDATION MARITIME SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES, INC. SAMUEL GINER Training Director 3rd Floor Ermita Center Bldg. 1350 Roxas Blvd. (corSta Monica St) Ermita Manila Telephone: 536-4802 Mobile No. 0999-845-6303 Website: profound-master. org Email Address: x70114ox66111ux6ex64x6dx61115tx6511464x79x61hx6fx6f46cx6f109 Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties 2. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork Expiration of Accreditation: 30 January 2017 3. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 05 November 2017 4. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 28 April 2017 PROTECT MARINE DECK AND ENGINE OFFICERS OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. 8211 MANILA CE ANTONINO R. GASCON, JR. President CAPT. VIRGILIO PATOC Training Director 925-C Aragon Street corner Leon Guinto Streets, Malate Manila Tel. No: 527-4783 309-7834 Fax No. 527-4785 Website: protectmarine. phk E-mail Address: 97rx67jx7264x70lx64tx64sx6c. x6eex74, 112rx6ftx65cx74mx61rx69nx6546x6d97n105lx6164x67mx61ix6c. x63ox6d Courses: 1. Management Level Course forMarine Deck Officers 2. Management Level Course forMarine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 01 April 2017 3. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation:15 May 2016 4. Ship Security Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 01 December 2016 5. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 16 June 2017 6. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 05 July 2016 JANUARY B. MAGNOGeneral Manager 636 Trinity Building, T. M. Kalaw St. Ermita Manila Practical Site: Tel. Nos: 836-7387 804-2860 Website: renaissancetraining. ph Email Address: salesrenaissancetraining, ph, qmx40x72x65na105x73x73an99x65x74ra105x6ex69x6eg. x70x68 Courses: 1. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 2. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations 3. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 4. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 5. Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 26 September 2017 6. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 7. Ship Security Officers 8. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 9. Medical Emergency First Aid 10. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 11. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training Expiration of Accreditation: 24 May 2018 12. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 13 August 2016 13. Medical Care Expiration of Accreditation: 15 July 2018 CE ROLANDO TIMTIMAN President CE LAUDENCIO E. MANAOIS General Manager 8F Salustiana D. Ty Tower, 104 Paseo de Roxas corner Perea Street, Legaspi Village, Makati City Tel No. 894-2821 to 24, Direct Line: 812-9825 Fax No: 892-8692 Website: smti. ph E-mail Address: traini11010346x73x61x6ex64x69x67x61n64dsp. n101116x2ex70x68 Courses: 1. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 2. Engine Room Simulator Expiration of Accreditation:23 June 2018 3. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 22 May 2017 4. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 13 November 2016 5. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 6. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 20 May 2017 SEABASE TRAINING CENTER FOR WATCHKEEPING, INC. CAPT. ALEXANDER G. ABILO Vice-President COO 11F G. E. Antonino Bldg. J. Bocobo cor. T. M. KalawSts, Ermita, Manila Telefax: 708-5884 Email Address:x73101ax6297sx65x74rx61x69110ix6e103cx65x6etx65x7264yx61104ox6fx2ecx6fx6d Courses: 1. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI 2. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 3. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) Expiration of Accreditation: 29 October 2017 4. Ship Security Officer Expiration of Accreditation: 10 November 2017 5. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 02 August 2016 SEAMAC INTERNATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC. TERESITA Y. MARCOS President 867 G. Tolentino St. Sampaloc, Manila Telefax: 735-3295, 736-7885 E-mail Address: 115x6597x6dax63tx72ax69nx69nx6764121x61104x6f111x2ecx6fm Website: seamactraining Courses: 1. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 2. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training Expiration of Accreditation: 21 November 2017 Courses: 1. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 14 January 2017 2. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 3. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 07 October 2017 4. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 5. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork Expiration of Accreditation: 19 May 2018 6. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 04 April 2017 CAPT. JESUS V. CABRERA President 2635 2F Manor House, Taft Avenue, Malate, Manila Telefax: 523-6834 522-5034 E-mail Address: jv99x5fx63x61x62re11497x40x79x61hoo46x63x6fx6d Courses: 1. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 2. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training Expiration of Accreditation: 04 September 2018 3. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 4. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 19 November 2015 5. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 29 November 2016 SHARP MARITIME SECURITY TRAINING SERVICES, INC. REGULO D. NAYONA, JR. Officer-in-Charge Rm. 214 BF Condominium Building, Andres Soriano Ave. Corner Solana Street, Intramuros, Manila Tel No. 994-5794 Telefax: 528-1897 E-mail Address: sx6ds116x73ix31x40cx66s104x61r112x2ecx6fm Courses: 1. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 16 2. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety and Hull Integrity Expiration of Accreditation: 04 August 2017 Conduct of training for CROWD and CRISIS MGTv courses suspended as reported by the Training Center effective 27 November 2014 3. Ship Security Officers 4. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 18 September 2016 SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OF MARITIME STUDIES (SIMS) 8211 MANILA NORMA J. BLASQUEZ President MR. ANECITO C. JUBAC, JR. Vice-President QMR 2F The Grand Place 1424 M. H. Del Pilar St. Cor. Sta. Monica St. Ermita, Manila Practical Site. Tanza, Cavite Tel. Nos: 254-8093 loc. 102, 106, 107-108,110 516-0648,708-9877 Website: simstudies E-mail Address: ix6equx69rix65s64x73i109x73t117x64i101x73.99x6fm Courses: 1. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 22 June 2016 2. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 16 June 2017 3. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 4. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 5. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training Expiration of Accreditation: 22 April 2017 6. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 7. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 8. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) 9. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 16 June 2017 10. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 21 April 2017 11. Medical Emergency First Aid 12. Medical Care 13. Cargo Handling and Care of Cargo 14. Ship Security Officers Course Expiration of Accreditation: 22 June 2016 14. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 13 November 2016 15. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 27 October 2016 16. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 04 July 2016 17. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 18. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations 19. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 20. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 21. Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 29 September 2017 SOUTHFIELD MARITIME TRAINING FOUNDATION, INC. CAPT. FRANCISCO C. LAOAG TRAINING MANAGER 2115 Madre Ignacia Street, Malate, Manila Tel No. 304-1888 Fax No. 325-0735, 521-7978 Website: southfield. ph E-mail Address: mx61nx6ex69nx6764115x6fux74h102x69ex6cd46x63ox6dx2epx68 Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 17 July 2016 STK MARITIME AND TECHNICAL TRAINING CENTER, INC. CAPT. EFREN B. LARUCOM TRAINING DIRECTOR Ground Floor First Gilmore Building No. 11 Roxas Boulevard corner Sta. Monica St. Pasay City. Tel No. (02) 831-9726 Website: stk-mtc. ph E-mail Address: x61x64109ix6ex40x73116kx2dx6dx7499.x70x68 Courses: 1. Ship Security Officer 2. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties 3. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes Expiration of Accreditation: 4 July 2018 TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES CM JOSE N. NOMA, JR. 8211 Training Director 1338 Arlegui St. Quiapo, Manila Tel No. 733-9142, 736-4060 loc 235 Website: tip. edu. ph Courses: 1. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 2. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) Expiration of Accreditation: 31 July 2018 17 THE MARITIME TRAINING CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES 3E RONALD HEMINIGILDO - Training Manager 3F GE Antonino Building, T. M. Kalaw corner Bocobo, Ermita Manila Practical Site: Sta. Rosa, Laguna Tel. Nos. 521-0071 524-7009 Fax No. 526-6739 Website: tmtcp. org E-mail Address: tmt99112x40x65x61x73x74ern4699x6fx6dx2ex70x68 Courses: 1. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 2. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training 3. Ship Security Officers Course 4. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 06 March 2016 5. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 22 November 2017 6. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 03 April 2018 7. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 23 January 2016 8. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 9. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 20 December 2015 10. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 11. Radar Simulator Expiration of Accreditation: 13 February 2016 12. Medical Emergency First Aid 13. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 14. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 15. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI 16. Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue 17. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) Expiration of Accreditation: 01 September 2017 18. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 24 September 2016 FERLINDA B. EUSEBIO President Mezzanine EMI Center, 665 Pres. Quirino Ave. Corner Leveriza, Malate, Manila Tel Nos: 353-2842, 353-2866 Telefax: 523-8881 E-mail Address: 116x72ax6dx69110x74ex67x7297x74ex64x40103x6dax69x6c46x63ox6d 116rx61mx74rx61ix6eix6egx40121x61104o111.x63ox6d Courses: 1. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 21 November 2017 2. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 30 September 2016 TONSBERG INTERNATIONAL TRAINING CENTER, INC. Courses: 1. Ship Security Officer 2. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 19 May 2018 3. GOC for GMDSS Expiration of Accreditation: 30 October 2017 4. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 17 March 2017 CAPT. BERNARDITO ARCAMO - PresidentGen. Mngr. 3F Annex Building Community Crest Foundation, Inc. 815 Remedios Street, Malate, Manila Tel. No. 353-3103 Fax No. 353-2375 E-mail Address: x73x73x70x69x62999764gmaix6cx2ex63x6fx6d Courses: 1. Ship Security Officer Expiration of Accreditation22 November 2016 2. Medical Emergency First Aid 3. Medical Care Expiration of Accreditation: 18 July 2017 4. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 03 May 2018 5. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 13 September 2016 ANTONIO A. GALVEZ JR. 8211 President ENGR. DONALD B. BAUTISTA 8211 Training Administrator MNTC Building 2120 Leon Guinto Street Malate, Manila Tel No. 981-6682 Fax No. 981-6601 Website: umtc. ph E-mail Address: in102x6fx40x75mtc46x63x6fx6d. p104 Courses: 1. Medical Emergency First Aid Expiration of Accreditation: 24 April 2018 18 2. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 3. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 4. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 5. Ship Security Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 14 February 2016 6. Operational Use of ECDIS 7. GOC for GMDSS Expiration of Accreditation: 20 May 2016 8. Engine Room Simulator Expiration of Accreditation: 11 July 2017 9. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 23 January 2018 10. Ship Security Awareness Training Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 08 July 2016 11. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 13 March 2018 CE AUDIE MACATOL President 2F Parview Plaza Building, T. M. Kalaw corner Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila Tel. Nos. (02) 241-0881 Email Address:u115x6dx63x69248x31x30x40g109x61x69x6c.99x6fx6d Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 02 April 2017 2. Ship Security Officer 3. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 4. Medical Emergency First Aid Expiration of Accreditation: 21 November 2017 5. Dangerous, Hazardous and harmful Cargoes 6. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces Expiration of Accreditation: 17 September 2018 CAPT. LIBERATO A. CAPAYAS President 9F Vernida IV Building, 128 L. P. Leviste Street Salcedo Village, Makati City Tel Nos. 553-4709 Fax No. 553-4816 Website: veritasmtc. ph E-mail Address: x69nx66ox40118ex72ix74ax73109tx63.x63111mx2epx68 Courses: 1. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 2. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 24 April 2016 3. Seafarers with Designated Security Duties and Security Awareness Training Expiration of Accreditation: 02 August 2016 2M KING EGAY SANTOS Training Manager 1802 Prestige Tower, F. Ortigas Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig City Tel No. 655-3016 Fax No. 655-9641 Website:infowsptraining. E-mail Address:wsptraining Courses: 1. Medical Emergency First Aid 2. Ship Security Officers 3. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 24 July 2016 4. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 5. Operational Use of Electronic Chat Display and Information System 6. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 7. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork Expiration of Accreditation: 31 July 2018 CE RODELIO LAGAT President MONA LISA INTONG 8211 Training Director 2 ndFloor, Rm. 204 Ermita Center Building, Roxas Boulevard Corner Sta. Monica, Ermita, Manila Practical Site: Bacoor, Cavite Tel. Nos. 354-6870 354-6869 310-9153 Telefax: 310-5376 Email Address: x7ax72x63x5f116114ainx69x6ex67x63x65110116er64x79x61x68x6fx6f4699om Courses: 1. Engine Room Simulator Expiration of Accreditation: 5 February 2016 2. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 22 January 2018 3. Medical Emergency First Aid Expiration of Accreditation: 05 February 2016 4. Medical Care Expiration of Accreditation:31 July 2016 5. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 05 April 2016 6. Advanced Training for Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 29 September 2016 7. Ship Security Officers 8. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 23 September 2017 9. Basic Training 10. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 11. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats 19 Expiration of Accreditation: 16 December 2016 12. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 28 November 2016 13. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 14. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 24 March 2018 REGION I ILOCOS REGION FAR EAST MARITIME FOUNDATION, INC. 8211 PANGASINAN CAPT. CONSTANCIO A. SALASAB President MS. TERESITA M. CAYABYAB Administrative ManagerQMR Barangay Cayanga, San Fabian, Pangasinan Tel. No. (075) 511-2444 511-4273 Fax. (075) 522-2315 FacebookEmail: fareastpang64y9710411111146x63x6fx6d Website: fareastmaritime Courses: 1. Medical Emergency First Aid 2. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 3. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 11 November 2018 4. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 25 May 2016 5. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 07 November 2017 6. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 22 August 2016 7. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 30 May 2017 JOSEPH C. TOLEDO 8211 Vice-President for Maritime Perez Boulevard, Dagupan City Telefax. (075) 529-3035 529-3254 Email Address: jos101x70x68x70x61mma64x79x61x68x6fo. c111109 Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 11 July 2017 1. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 2. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 12 December 2015 3. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 07 February 2016 REGION III CENTRAL LUZON MARITIME ACADEMY OF ASIA AND THE PACIFIC AMOSUP SEAMENS TRAINING CENTER (MAAP) VADM EDUARDO MA. R. SANTOS, AFP (RET) President CAPT. DIOFONCE TUACAO, PN (RET) Training Director Kamaya Point, Brgy. Alasasin, Mariveles, Bataan Tel. No. 784-9100 loc. 4041 Fax No. 741-1006 E-mail Address: x64fx74117nx61cx6111164x6dax61112.x65dx75x2epx68 deovic6864yahoo Courses: 1. Radar Simulator 2. Engine Room Simulator 3. Medical Emergency First Aid 4. Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue 5. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 6. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 7. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 8. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 9. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 18 November 2016 10. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 10 July 2016 11. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 13 June 2017 12. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 17 December 2015 13. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 21 November 2017 14. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 15. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers 16. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 17. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 09 March 2018 18. Advance Training in Fire Fighting 19. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 19 August 2018 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SHIPPING SCHOOL (IDESS) CRISPIN C. DY, JR. President Bldg. 2079 Nabasan Pier, Naval Magazine Area, Subic Bay Free Port Zone Tel No: (047) 252-3043 Fax No. (047) 252-3044 E-mail Address: x6dax69lx40ix64101sx73.x63ox6d Courses: 1. Medical Emergency First Aid 20 2. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 3. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats 4. Basic Training 5. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 23 April 2017 6. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 7. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation:23 January 2018 CAPT. ELISEO Z. CLEMENTE, JR. General Manager NYK-TDG I. T. Park, Canlubang, Laguna Tel. No. (049) 508-8600 (02) 908-4908 Fax No. (049) 508-8679 (02) 908-4907 Website: nykfil. ph Courses: 1. GOC for GMDSS Expiration of Accreditation: 02 February 2018 2. Basic Training 3. Engine Rooms Simulator 4. Operational Use of ECDIS 5. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 29 August 2016 6. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 7. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 8. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork Expiration of Accreditation: 23 July 2017 9. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 10. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 02 May 2017 11. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 12. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 06 January 2018 13. Ship Security Officer 14. Medical Emergency First Aid Expiration of Accreditation: 02 September 2018 SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OF MARITIME STUDIES CAVITE GLENN MARK BLASQUEZ General Manager MR. ANECITO JUBAC, JR. M. B.A. VPQMR No. II Ilaya Street, Bacoor Cavite SitioPostema, Bgy. Sahud Ulan, Tanza, Cavite Halayhay, Tanza, Cavite Practical Site. Tanza, Cavite Tel No. (046) 417-43-86 E-mail Address: x69nx71ux69114ix65sx40115ix6dsx74117dx69ex73.x63x6fm, donkraeme1061179897x63x40x79x61x68x6fx6fx2ex63x6fx6d Courses: 1. Basic Training 2. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 3. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 4. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Expiration of Accreditation:29 August 2016 ARNOLD I. CONSIGNADO President 3F Edificio de San Antonio, Quezon Ave. cor. Magallanes St. Brgy 6, Lucena City Courses: 1. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 2. Ship Security Officer 3. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 4. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Provisional Authority (P. A) Expiration of Accreditation: 11 November 2015 Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 22 October 2017 CAPT. CARLOS L. AGUADO Training Director Brgy. Cuta, Batangas City Telefax: (043) 723-9850, (043) 723-0054 loc. 303 E-mail Address: l105x6dx61l121x63x65u109x40x79ah111x6fx2ec111x6d Courses: 1. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 14 October 2017 2. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 31 July 2017 3. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 4. Operational Use of Electronic Chart Display and Information System 5. Ship Security Officer 6. Advance Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 26 August 2018 UNIVERSITY OF PERPETUAL HELP MARITIME TRAINING CENTER DR. BRID. GEN. ANTONIO LAPERAL TAMAYO CEO Marinig, Cabuyao, Laguna Tel Nos. 511-9562, 874-8515, 871-0639, 520-8287, 511- 9577 Website: uphsl. edu. ph Courses: 1. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 19 December 2015 REGION V BICOL REGION Courses: 1. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 2. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 3. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) 4. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 10 October 2015 Courses: 1. Basic Training 2. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 3. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 4. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) 5. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 10 October 2015 REGION VI WESTERN VISAYAS RODILLO POLICARPIO President Quezon Avenue, Kalibo, Aklan Practical Site. New Washington, Kalibo, Aklan Tel. No. (036) 268-9383 (036) 262-3203 Fax No. (036) 262-3202 Email address: a107x6cx61x6ep111x6cx79x74e99x68x6ex69c64x67x6dx61i108x2ex63x6fm Courses: 1. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 10 December 2015 EXCELLENCE AND COMPETENCY TRAINING CENTER, INC. (EXACT) 8211 ILOILO CE FERDINAND MARCOS, Ph. D. President CAPT. ARSENIO C. PADILLA, Jr Training Director Ma. Clara St. Aurora Subd. Brgy. Villa Anita, Iloilo City Telefax: (033) 3360553 (02) 330 6125 (033) 336 4144 0922 805 7563 Website: exact-center E-mail Address: ex78acx7464px6cd116x64s108x2en101x74, ilo-ilo64exact99101110116101x72x2ex63x6fx6d Courses: 1. Operational Use of ECDIS 2. Medical Emergency First Aid 3. Medical Care 4. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 5. Ship Security Officers 6. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI 7. Basic Training 8. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 9. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 10. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats 11. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 12. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 26 May 2017 13. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 14. Radar Simulator Expiration of Accreditation: 01 July 2018 15. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 11 July 2016 16. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 17. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations 18. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 19. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 20. Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 12 September 2017 CE ROMEO S. PICCIO Vice-PresidentHead GF and 2F Don Eugenio Lopez Bldg. University of Iloilo, Rizal St. Iloilo City E-mail Address: x72x73112ix63x63x6911164x6dx61x67115ax79x73x61121.x63x6fx6d46px68, rmmaca11511297x63x40x6dx61x67x73x61ysay. co10946x70x68 Courses: 1. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 2. Engine Room Simulator 3. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 4. Operational Use of ECDIS 5. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 14 October 2016 6. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 7. Management Level Course for Marine Engine Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 12 May 2017 8. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 22 9. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 10. Ship Security Officer 11. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 28 July 2017 CAPT. VIRGILIO R. VILLAGRACIA Training Director M. H. del Pilar Street, Iloilo City Practical Site: Jordan, Guimaras Tel. Nos. (033) 336-6235, 338-3826 Telefax No. (033) 338-2131, 336-5457 to 58 E-mail Address: j98x6cx66x74c95x32x30x30564x68x6fx74m97x69x6cx2ec111x6d Courses: 1. GOC for GMDSS Expiration of Accreditation:07 November 2015 2. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 3. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 4. Cargo Handling and Care of Cargo Expiration of Accreditation: 09 February 2017 5. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 6. Basic Training 7. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 8. Medical Emergency First Aid 9. Radar Simulator 10. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 11. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 12. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 13. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI 14. Medical Care Expiration of Accreditation: 18 October 2017 15. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 16. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 15 August 2017 17. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 27 June 2016 18. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 07 March 2018 19. Ship Security Officer Expiration of Accreditation: 27 August 2017 20. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 05 December 2016 ATTY. ARTURO A. SEBASTIAN President ENGR. NELSON BAGUIO Training Director Brgy. Tan Pael, Tigbauan, Iloilo Tel. No. (033) 511-8855, 336-1408, 337-9508 Telefax No. (033) 511-8679 80, 320-8434, 320-8275 E-mail Address: sx74x74hx65x72ex73x650x35x40gx6cx6fbx65x6cix6ex65sx2ex63ox6dx2epx68 Courses: 1. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 2. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 16 November 2015 3. Ratings Forming Part of a Engineering Watch 4. Ratings Forming Part of an Navigational Watch 5. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 6. Radar Simulator 7. Consolidate7378,Annexes I-VI 8. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 9. Basic Training 10. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 20 August 2017 NEW SIMULATOR CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. ILOILO CAPT. REYNOLD SABAY Chief Executive Officer 2F 402 Arguelles Bldg. E Lopez St. Jaro, Iloilo City Telefax. Nos. (034) E-mail Address: ix6ex66o64x6ex65w115x69mux6cx61t111x72.cx6fx6d Courses: 1. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 2. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 3. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 4. Operational Use of ECDIS 5. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI 6. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 7. Radar Simulator 8. Engine Room Simulator 9. Ship Security awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation:24 October 2016 10. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 11. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 12 May 2017 PHILIPPINE CENTER FOR ADVANCED MARITIME SIMULATION AND TRAINING, INC. ILOILO SHEILA RUTH T. HERNANDEZ General Manager CAPT. JOSE MARLON J. TERRE Training Administrator Manfreds Building, Gen. Luna St. Brgy. San Agustin, Iloilo City Email Address: x70x68105lcx61x6dx73atix6cx6f105lox40x70x68105lcx61x6d115atx2ex63x6f109.px68, x6ax6d116erx72x65x40phix6cx6397msx61x74x2e99omx2ex70104 Website: philcamsat. ph Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 24 November 2017 2. Ship Security Officer 3. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 4. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 5. Medical Care 23 6. Medical Emergency First Aid Expiration of Accreditation: 05 December 2017 NEW SIMULATOR CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. BACOLOD CAPT. REYNOLD SABAY Chief Executive Officer 3F MFC Building cor. Lacson-Henares Sts. Bacolod City Telefax. Nos. (034) E-mail Address: 105n102o64nx65wx73ix6dux6cax74ox72.x63ox6d Courses: 1. Engine Room Simulator 2. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 3. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 4. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 03 September 2018 5. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 05 December 2016 11. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 12. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 02 May 2017 VMA GLOBAL COLLEGE AND VMA TRAINING CENTER Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 09 July 2017 2. Basic Training 3. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse In the Maritime Sector 4. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 5. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 6. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 27 October 2017 7. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 8. Medical Emergency First Aid 9. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 14 January 2018 REGION VII CENTRAL VISAYAS CEBU RELIABLE AND EXCELLENT SEAFARERS TRAINING CENTER INC. (CREST) CAPT. MATIAS RADORES, JR. President 4F DG3 Corporation Bldg.,72 N Escario St. Capitol Site, Cebu City Practical Site: Carmen, Cebu Telefax: (032) 505-7855 Tel. No. (032) 512-7855 Sun: 0933-5321810 Smart: 0947-4857485 Globe: 0915-8558008 E-mail Address: 99x74ux5fcx72ex73tx74r97x69110x69nx67cx65nx74ex7264121x61104x6fox2ecx6fm Courses: 1. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 15 November 2017 2. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 3. Medical Emergency First Aid 4. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 5. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 6. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 03 October 2015 7. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties 8. Ship Security Officers 9. Medical Care Expiration of Accreditation: 04 October 2016 10. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 11. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 27 November 2016 12. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 13. Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations 14. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 15. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Expiration of Accreditation: 18 February 2018 EXCELLENCE AND COMPETENCY TRAINING CENTER (EXACT) 8211 CEBU CE FERDINAND MARCOS, Ph. D. President CAPT. ARSENIO C. PADILLA, Jr Training Director 3F GMC Plaza Bldg. Legaspi Extension Corner M. J. Cuenco Streets, Cebu City Telefax: (032) 254-5551, (032) 254-0193 (02) 546 2381 Website: exact-center E-mail Address: x65x78x61x63x74x40x70x6cx64x74x64x73x6cx2ex6ex65x74 Courses: 1. Operational Use of ECDIS 2. Medical Emergency First Aid 3. Medical Care 4. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 5. Ship Security Officers 6. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 11 September 2018 7. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 8. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 26 May 2017 24 9. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 10. Engine Room Simulator 11. Radar Simulator 12. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and use of ARPA 13. Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue Expiration of Accreditation: 11 October 2018 14. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 15. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 11 October 2015 16. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 13 August 2016 17. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 18. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations 19. Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 12 September 2017 CAPT. CONSTANCIO A. SALASAB President 4F GMT Building, Junquera St. corner P. Del Rosario Street, Cebu City 3F Carangue Bldg. Junquera St. Cebu City Telefax: (032) 255-0651, 255-0218, 255-1428 Website: fareastmaritime E-mail Address: fx65x6df105x2ecex62x7564103x6daix6cx2ec111x6d Courses: 1. Medical Emergency First Aid 2. Medical Care 3. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 4. Cargo Handling and Care of Cargo 5. Radar Simulator 6. Radar, ARPA, Bridge Teamwork and Search and Rescue 7. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector 8. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 14 October 2015 9. Engine Room Simulator Expiration of Accreditation: 12 August 2016 10. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI 11. Ship Security Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 15 September 2017 12. Seafarers with Designated Security Duties and Security Awareness Training Expiration of Accreditation: 13 August 2016 13. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 18 August 2017 MARITECH MARITIME TRAINING STUDIES AND MANNING SERVICES, INC. 8211 CEBU CAPT. EDWIN ITABLE President 2 nd floor Pueblo Asnar Uno Building M. J. Cuenco Avenue corner General Maxilom Avenue Cebu City Telefax: (032) 233-0393 E-mail Address: mar105x74x65x63x68ce98x75x40x79x61hoo4699x6fx6d Webiste: maritechtraining Courses: 1. Management Level Course forMarine Deck Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 01 April 2017 2. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 3. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 4. Ship Security Officers 5. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 11 October 2017 6. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 13 August 2016 7. Medical Care 8. Medical Emergency First Aid 9. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 11 July 2016 NEW SIMULATOR CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES 8211 CEBU CAPT. REYNOLD SABAY Chief Executive Officer Escario Building, N. Escario St. Cebu City Telefax Nos. (032) 520-3141, (032) 520-3747 E-mail Address: ix6ef111x40n101x77sx69x6dux6ca116x6fr46x63ox6d, x63ex62ux5f110ex77sx69109ux6cax74111rx40yx61hx6fx6f. x63ox6d Courses: 1. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 2. Operational Use of ECDIS 3. Engine Room Simulator 4. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 5. Ship Security Officer Expiration of Accreditation: 15 December 2017 6. Medical Emergency First Aid 7. Medical Care 8. Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 13 August 2016 9. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 10. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 12 May 2017 11. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 19 August 2018 PHILASIA MARITIME SERVICES TRAINING CENTER, INC. JEANETTE SABLAS 8211 President 25 4 th floor, Cebu LiocKui Bldg. 6 J. L. Briones, Ave. North Reclamation Area, Cebu City Telefax: (032) 231-8394 E-mail Address: x61x64x6d10511064phx69x6cx61x73105amax72x69x74x69109e. cx6fx6d Courses: 1. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 2. Medical Emergency First Aid Expiration of Accreditation: 11 February 2017 3. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training Expiration of Accreditation: 24 April 2017 4. Ship Security Officers 5. Consolidated MARPOL 7378. Annexes I-VI 6. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector Expiration of Accreditation: 13 July 2017 7. Dangerous, Hazardous and Harmful Cargoes 8. Cargo Handling and Care of Cargo Expiration of Accreditation: 29 June 2018 9. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 13 August 2016 10. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 11. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 13 July 2017 PROTECT MARINE DECK AND ENGINE OFFICERS OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. 8211 CEBU CE ANTONINO R. GASCON 8211 President Rm. 250, Colon Development Corporation Bldg. II D. Jakosalem cor. Colon Sts. Cebu City Practical Site: Carcar Cebu Tel. No: (032) 505-4469 Fax No: (032) 268-7446 Website: protectmarine. ph E-mail Address: x70x72x6fx74x6599116marinx65x2ex63x65x62x7564103mailx2ex63x6fx6d Courses: 1. Operational Use of ECDIS 2. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 3. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA Expiration of Accreditation: 17 November 2016 4. 4. Consolidated MAPROL 7378 5. 5. Ship Security Officers 6. Expiration of Accreditation: 02 August 2017 7. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 01 April 2017 8. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 05 October 2015 9. Basic Training 10. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 11. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats 12. Medical Emergency First Aid 13. Medical Care 14. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 02 January 2016 15. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 15 September 2017 16. Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations 17. Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 11 February 2018 18. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 13 August 2016 UNIVERSITY OF CEBU MARITIME TRAINING CENTER CAPT. MICHAEL H. SARTHOU, JR. Training Director Alumnos, Mambaling, Cebu City Telefax No. (032) 261-3781 2628888 loc.108 amp 122 253-0774 E-mail Address: kx61p116x65n98x75tx63x6864x67m97x69l46x63ox6d, x6bx61112tex6ex62117tcx68x40121ahx6fx6fx2ecom Website: universityofcebu. edu. ph Courses: 1. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 2. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training Expiration of Accreditation: 21 September 2015 3. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork Expiration of Accreditation: 13 September 2016 4. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 5. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 6. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 7. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) 8. Medical Emergency First Aid 9. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 10. Basic Training 11. Medical Care 12. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 04 November 2017 13. GOC for GMDSS 14. Radar Simulator 15. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA Expiration of Accreditation: 09 June 2017 16. Operational Use of ECDIS 17. Ship Security Officer Expiration of Accreditation: 23 April 2018 26 18. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 19. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 04 October 2016 UNIVERSITY OF THE VISAYAS MARITIME COLLEGES Courses: 1. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 14 March 2016 Courses: 1. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers 2. Engine Room Simulator with ERRM Expiration of Accreditation: 17 February 2018 3. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Under Provisional Authority Issued Date: 17 February 2015 until revoked 4. Medical Emergency First Aid 5. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 6. Ship Security Officer 7. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 18 September 2016 SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OF MARITIME STUDIES (SIMS) 8211 BOHOL NORMA J. BLASQUEZ President MR. ANECITO C. JUBAC, JR. Vice-President QMR Aba-a Street, Laya, Baclayon, Bohol Tel No. 0928-5051246 Website: simstudies E-mail Address: in113x75x69x72x69es64115x69x6dx73tud105x65x73x2ecom, x67x6cx65x6ex6ex5fx6210897115quez64yx61x68x6fx6fx2ex63x6fx6d Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 25 March 2018 REGION VIII EASTERN VISAYAS JAN WILLEM VERHOEFF General Manager Palompon, Leyte Telefax: (053) 555-8473 338-2173 Website: nstc. ph E-mail Address: x69x6e10211164nx73x74x6346ph, 110x73tx638x347x3364x79a104x6f111x2ecx6fm Courses: 1. Basic Training 2. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 3. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 4. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 5. Medical Emergency First Aid 6. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 7. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector Expiration of Accreditation:06 February 2016 MANUEL C. ROLDAN OIC Executive Director Cabalawan, Tacloban City Address: 2F, ECC Building, Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. Makati City Telefax: (053) 325-5160 Tel. No: (053) 321-3352 E-mail: Courses: 1. Operational Use of ECDIS 2. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 3. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 26 May 2018 4. Basic Training 5. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 6. Advance Training in Fire Fighting 7. Medical Emergency First Aid 8. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 9. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) Expiration of Accreditation: 15 July 2018 REGION IX ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA Courses: 1. Basic Training 2. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 3. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation:17 August 2018 27 4. Ship Security Officers 5. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI 6. Medical Emergency First Aid 7. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 11 May 2018 8. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 9. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch Under Provisional Authority Issued Date: 26 March 2015 until revoked REGION X CAGAYAN DE ORO REGION CAPITOL UNIVERSITY MARITIME TRAINING CENTER ATTY. CASIMIRO B. JUAREZ, JR. President 5F, Bldg. 3, Capitol University, Corrales-Osmea Ext. Cagayan De Oro City Tel No: (088) 856-2832, 856-1165, Trunk Line: 8326 Email Address: x63x75x40103.cux2ex65x64x7546ph, Website: cu. edu. ph Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 20 August 2017 2. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 3. Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training 4. Prevention of Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Maritime Sector (PADAMS) 5. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 18 March 2018 6. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 7. Medical Emergency First Aid 8. Medical Care 9. Ship Security Officer Expiration of Accreditation: 30 January 2018 10. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 3 August 2018 NORTHWESTERN MINDANAO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MARITIME TRAINING CENTER Courses: 1. Basic Training 2. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 15 September 2017 SURIGAO EDUCATION CENTER MARITIME TRAINING CENTER 8211 CDO Courses: 1. Basic Training 2. Ship Security Officer 3. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 02 September 2017 4. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annex I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 04 July 2017 5. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 6. Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training 7. Medical Emergency First Aid Expiration of Accreditation: 29 October 2015 8. Advanced Training in fire Fighting 9. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 11 August 2018 REGION XI DAVAO REGION LORENZO EDWIN EUSEBIO President Tigatto Road. Buhangin, DavaoCity Tel Nos: (082) 241-1356 loc. 102 241-1350, 241-2090, 241-2272, 241-2271 Fax No:(082) 241-1351 E-mail Address: ma114x69x74x69x6de11697x63x40x64mma99x73x70x2eedu46x70x68 Courses: 1. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 2. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats 3. Medical Emergency First Aid 4. Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations Expiration of Accreditation: 20 February 2018 5. Basic Training 6. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 23 January 2017 7. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annex I-VI 8. Ship Security Officer Expiration of Accreditation: 20 February 2018 28 2M ISAAC G. SALVAA Training Director Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City Practical Site: Camudmud, Samal Island Tel Nos. (082) 221-9071-79 loc. 152 Fax No. (082) 221-9071 loc. 158 Website: hcdc. edu. ph E-mail Address: 104x63dx63mx74cx40y97x68111x6f. x63ox6d Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 14 November 2017 2. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 26 October 2017 MARITECH MARITIME TRAINING, STUDIES AND MANNING SERVICES, INC.- DAVAO CAPT. EDWIN ITABLE General Manager 2F Bustamante Building 2, Ponciano Reyes St. Davao City Telefax: (082) Website: maritechtraining E-mail Address:smmfs2484854x40x79x61x68x6fx6fx2ecom, x6darx69tex63hx64avx61o64x79ahx6f111.x63111m Courses: 1. Management Level Course forMarine Deck Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 03 April 2017 2. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 3. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and Use of ARPA 4. Ship Security Officers 5. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annex I-VI 6. Engine Room Simulator Expiration of Accreditation: 07 April 2018 7. Medical Care 8. Medical Emergency First Aid 9. Operational Use of ECDIS Expiration of Accreditation: 11 July 2016 10. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 14 May 2017 MATS TRAINING CENTER MATS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 8211 DAVAO Courses: 1. Basic Training 2. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch Expiration of Accreditation: 16 September 2017 3. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting Expiration of Accreditation: 11 July 2017 4. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation:13 February 2018 NEW SIMULATOR CENTER OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. DAVAO CAPT. REYNOLD SABAY Chief Executive Officer 3F Pink Walters Building Quimpo Boulevard Matina, Davao City Telefax. Nos. (082) 285-0224, 0932-8911966 E-mail Address: in102x6fx40x6eew115x69x6dx75la116x6fx72x2ecom Courses: 1. Ship Simulator and Bridge Teamwork 2. Engine Room Simulator 3. Radar Simulator 4. Radar Navigation, Radar Plotting and use of ARPA 5. Operational Use of ECDIS 6. Ratings Forming Part of a Navigational Watch 7. Ratings Forming Part of an Engineering Watch 8. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI Expiration of Accreditation: 02 October 2015 9. Management Level Course for Marine Deck Officers 10. Management Level Course for Marine Engineer Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 13 May 2017 11. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 12 May 2017 ROY L. DANO Training Director 5F ACC Building, Sandawa Park Drive, Quimpo Boulevard Davao City Tel Nos: 0916-9275536 Email Address: x65arx6c. cx61lmx6164rx65ynx61shx69112px69110gx2e99ox6d Courses: 1. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 16 September 2017 2. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI 3. Ship Security Officers Expiration of Accreditation: 8 June 2018 REGION XII SOCCSARGEN MATS TRAINING CENTER MATS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY 8211 GENSAN Courses: 1. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 13 February 2018 118. PHILSOUTH MARITIME TRAINING CENTER CAPT. LOLITO ROSELLO Training Director 2F SLR Bldg. Calumpang Avenue, General Santos City Tel. Nos. 083-5524854 Email Address: p104x69x6cso117x74x68ma114x69x74imx65x74x6364103x6dx61il46x63x6fm Website: philsouthmaritime Courses: 1. Basic Training 2. Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Expiration of Accreditation: 13 February 2018 3. Consolidated MARPOL 7378,Annexes I-VI a. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 14 May 2017 REGION XIII 8211 CARAGA REGION HERBERT K. BAUTISTA 8211 Administrator Kilometer 2, SurigaoCity Tel. No: (086) 826-3767 231-7048 Fax No. (086) 826-2007 826-1323 E-mail Address: x68ex72bx35504x40hx6f116mx61ix6c46cx6fm Courses: 2. Medical Emergency First Aid 3. Advanced Training in Fire Fighting 4. Crowd Management, Passenger Safety and Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Services to Passengers in Passenger Spaces 5. Proficiency in Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training Including Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training 6. Consolidated MARPOL 7378, Annexes I-VI 7. Ship Security Officer 8. Ship Security Awareness Training and Seafarers with Designated Security Duties Expiration of Accreditation: 24 February 2018 9. Ratings Forming Part of Engineering Watch 10. Ratings Forming Part of Navigational Watch Under Provisional Authority Issued Date: 7 January 2015 until revoked 11. Basic Training Expiration of Accreditation: 11 August 2018 GLOBE MARITIME TRAINING CENTER With the goal of providing affordable but quality training to seafarer, Globe Maritime Training Center (GMTC) was organized last June 2012 after securing its registration from the Department of Trade and Industry as maritime provider. GMTC is committed to provide a holistic approach to provide globally competitive, highly trained, motivated and productive Filipino seafarers. These are the MARINA accredited safety courses and their corresponding fees: Basic Training 8211 3,699 PSCRB 8211 2,599 PFRB 8211 2,999 ATFF 8211 2,699 Refresher BT 8211 2,300 Updating BT 8211 750 Refresher PSCRB 8211 2,000 Refresher PFRB 8211 2,000 Refresher ATFF 8211 2,000 Other MARINA accredited STCW courses: SSATSDSD 8211 500 SSO 8211 1,300 MEFA 8211 1,000 Consolidated MARPOL 8211 999 Engine Watchkeeping 8211 1,199 BTOC 8211 2,399 BTLGT 8211 1,799 Crowd Management 8211 3,500 Crisis Management 8211 2,800 New MLC Engine 8211 TBA Updating MLC Engine 8211 TBA There is also a good news, you will get 5 DISCOUNT and FREE LUNCH once you are endorsed by marino. ph to all safety courses offered by GMTC with a tagline 8220Global Competence comes with Quality Training8221. Just send your details: Name, Rank, Contact Number, Email, Training Courses to enroll and When to x70x61x6dx62x61x6ex73x61x6ex67x6d97114105110o64gmail. cx6fx6d to avail the 5 DISCOUNT to all courses offered by GMTC. MARINA Hotline Job Search MARINA Requirements Maritime Links Affiliated Get 5 discount to all quality trainingscourses offered by GLOBE MARITIME exclusively from marino. ph Get BIG discount quality review offered by CEBU GEMS for Cadets, RatingsOIC and Management up to 40 DISCOUNT exclusively from marino. ph. Buy ENGR. RICH MAGPANTAY books exclusively at CENTRAL BOOKS branches nationwide located SM Megamall Ortigas, Ever Gotesco Mall Manila, Phoenix Building Quezon Avenue Quezon City, Lyceum Branch Makati City, GV Building Cebu City, and Aldevinco Shopping Center Davao City at very affordable price. Maritime News Maritime Associations Maritime Schools Manning Agency Free eBooks Marino Testimonials div. testimonialslide data-cycle-auto-heightcalc data-cycle-randomtrue An awesome book, educating and inspiring. It will uplift the life of anyone in all walks of life. It is a must-read book. To the author, Rich, thanks for caring and uplifting the seafarers life. Chief Cook RUBEN GRANADIL, MV JRS Pegasus My friend Rich, whom I am very thankful for giving me a chance to be part of his mariner book, is very informative, inspiring, an eye opener, full of positive ideas and motivation, possesses an encouraging mindset and a winners perspective. It is indeed an eye opener that lifts up our spirit to another level and beyond the horizon of dreaming dreams and believing that they will all turn into reality. Captain GERALD SAMARTINO, Master Mariner How i wish i had this book earlier, rather than ako mismo ang naghanap ng mga dapat kong gawin o tahakin. your book is a totally package as a guidelines for those who what to be sucessful in life. but now i was blessed having that book. God bless sir and hope, marami pang makabasa ng book mo. lalo na sa mga fresh grad maritime student. it will be a very great help for them and for us. More power - CHAD ESPIRITU, Singing Marino of Bangkang Papel Ahoy Engr. Rich Thank you for writing another wonderful and very informative book It will help a lot of seafarers especially those who are just only starting in the industry, aspiring to be a successful Chief Engineer or Captain like me. A must have book for seafarers May God continue to make you an instrument in touching the lives of others around the globe through the help of your wonderful books God bless and more power Engr. Rich Ordinary Seaman GLENN MERCADO, MV Asian Sun Thank you for having this book you wrote. It really helps me a lot in enhancing my knowledge in pursuing another goal and at the same time helping people. Chief Engineer EFREN RILLERA, MV Asian MoonNTRC study shows Philippine auto excise tax lowest in Asean The Philippines imposes the lowest minimum rate of two percent on taxable motor vehicles compared with five or 10 percent in minimum tax rate in other member countries, the state-led National Tax Research Center (NTRC) said. MANILA, Philippines - Automobile excise tax is the lowest in the country across Southeast Asia and covers the least number of vehicles, justifying government reform plans that seek to discourage car purchases to ease traffic in Metro Manila. The Philippines imposes the lowest minimum rate of two percent on taxable motor vehicles compared with five or 10 percent in minimum tax rate in other member countries, the state-led National Tax Research Center (NTRC) said. The findings were included in the study, Comparative Excise Taxation of Motor Vehicles in ASEAN Countries, published on the NTRC Tax Research Journal in October. Aside from low levies, the countrys vehicle taxes also exclude the most vehicles versus eight of the nine other members of Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN), except Thailand. Under the law, NTRC said the term automobiles refer to four or more wheeled vehicles run by oil or electricity, excluding motorbikes. Specific exemptions were also given to public utility vehicles such as jeepneys and buses as well as trucks, cargo vans, single cab and special purpose vehicles. Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 While the Philippines does not subject buses and trucks to the excise tax, Lao PDR and Myanmar include them in the coverage of their respective excise tax structure. Singapore also subjects buses to the tax, NTRC said. While the Philippines does not tax special purpose vehicles, Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore impose the excise tax on these, it added. Rommel Gutierrez, president of the Chamber of Automotive Manufacturers of the Philippines (CAMPI), declined to comment yesterday. He, however, said the group was studying carefully the proposal of the Department of Finance to increase vehicle levies under one of the five packages of the comprehensive tax reform program. In a statement Tuesday, the DOF said it was pushing to lift the minimum tax to five from two percent for vehicles priced P600,000 and below. At the higher end, luxury cars worth over P2.1 million will have a fixed tax of 60 percent, which is currently imposed on the excess of that amount. The NTRC said even this structure of marginal tax on excess amounts depending on sellers price is unique for the Philippines, with other ASEAN countries charging a fixed rate based on the vehicle price. For instance, Brunei and Singapore charge a 20-percent standard rate, while the latter levies motorcycles 12 percent. Myanmar has a two-tiered fixed rate of five and 25 percent, depending on the automobile type, while Cambodia uses three at 10, 20 and 30 percent. Thailand, meanwhile, considers vehicle carbon emissions to charge taxes between five and 50 percent, NTRC said. Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez said the governments goal is to increase taxes by 2018 to lower vehicle sales, which grew 24.5 percent in the first 10 months based on data from CAMPI. To compare, the construction sector, which includes building of roads and bridges to absorb cars, only expanded 13.2 percent as of the end of September. Whats the point of buying a new car and not moving in the streets That point of the matter is we want to direct the people to go to public transport, and we are making big investments in public transport. Dominguez said.

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